Again, sorry for the delay in posting. I have been busy with other things and have neglected this blog.
Some more thoughts on set-up before we continue. The purpose of this blog is to make you aware of what you do, how you do it and what you feel when you do it. At the NTPGA annual meeting, one of the speaker was Bobby Lane, a PGA Professional and a Physical Therapist. He made some interesting points about muscles and joints and how they work in a golf swing. I hope to attend a work shop sometime next month to get more details.
One thing I have been feeling in my set-up is the upper back. The scapulas are lower and closer together than I can ever remember at set-up. This leads to the shoulders being lower and back. Once this happens, I feel the lats in my upper back engage. This causes a change in posture in the upper back. Looking in a mirror, I can see my spine is straight at set-up and my head is on top of my spine. This leads to increased torso rotation without trying to increase rotation.
You can check your posture by standing with your back to a wall or door. Put your heels, butt, upper back, and head against the wall or door. Does this feel comfortable? If not, you have posture issues which need to be addressed.
For more information, I suggest reading any book by Pete Egoscue. He worked with Jack Nicklaus back in the late 80's and early 90's. He has some self tests you can do in the privacy of your home to see where and how you stand. There are exercise plans to help you self correct. Both Egoscue books are available in the Sherman Public Library. I have his book "Health Through Motion". I still refer to it often.
That's all for now. Thanks for your attention.
Some more thoughts on set-up before we continue. The purpose of this blog is to make you aware of what you do, how you do it and what you feel when you do it. At the NTPGA annual meeting, one of the speaker was Bobby Lane, a PGA Professional and a Physical Therapist. He made some interesting points about muscles and joints and how they work in a golf swing. I hope to attend a work shop sometime next month to get more details.
One thing I have been feeling in my set-up is the upper back. The scapulas are lower and closer together than I can ever remember at set-up. This leads to the shoulders being lower and back. Once this happens, I feel the lats in my upper back engage. This causes a change in posture in the upper back. Looking in a mirror, I can see my spine is straight at set-up and my head is on top of my spine. This leads to increased torso rotation without trying to increase rotation.
You can check your posture by standing with your back to a wall or door. Put your heels, butt, upper back, and head against the wall or door. Does this feel comfortable? If not, you have posture issues which need to be addressed.
For more information, I suggest reading any book by Pete Egoscue. He worked with Jack Nicklaus back in the late 80's and early 90's. He has some self tests you can do in the privacy of your home to see where and how you stand. There are exercise plans to help you self correct. Both Egoscue books are available in the Sherman Public Library. I have his book "Health Through Motion". I still refer to it often.
That's all for now. Thanks for your attention.