Thursday, September 02, 2010

Notes from Summer 2010

It is hard to believe it's already September. Where does the time go? It has been a good year for me. I have learned so much about golf, health, and life. My students have been very dedicated and motivated. Significant progress has been seen in most.

In Real Estate the three most important things are; location, location, location. In golf, the three most important things are; set up. set up, set up. If a person can set up correctly for them, the game becomes much easier. Your pre shot routine must reflect your nature and must insure your fundamentals are established for each shot.

It is stunning to still see golfers give the advice of keeping your head down and keep your left arm straight. One more time; your head should be on top of your spine at address. Your left arm extends on the backswing because of momentum and centripetal force. The left arm should be relaxed enough that the elbow could bend if you wanted. This will allow the left arm to extend without tension or effort.

With a little luck, I will be posting much more in the next four weeks.


Mike Hurley
PGA Professional